Rosmini Volunteer Army in full swing
'Legis Charitas Plenitudo' is the Rosmini motto, meaning Charity fulfils the law. Rosmini’s vision statement is centred around this. Our aim should be that our students leave school as Christ-centred young men who have the values, attitudes, knowledge and skills to fulfil their lives, and be empowered to serve others.
In this vein, during the second term, the Rosmini Volunteer Army was initiated. Our students have responded with enthusiasm. Currently, we have up to 131 registered volunteers. Most of them have already achieved the five hours required to receive a service award. Several of these have already managed to volunteer for more than 32 hours, receiving a bronze badge. Our
staff have been hugely encouraging and supportive in working together to create a better world for all.To recognise our student volunteers for their service, we have adopted the national Student Volunteer Army platform that is recognised and sponsored by business organisations.
Volunteers are awarded badges for their hours of service and will receive a record of service to form part of their portfolios that will assist them in future tertiary education applications and job applications.