Rosmini College is a Catholic Boys’ School founded by the Rosminian order to provide a Catholic education to young men on Auckland’s North Shore. We aim to shape them into well-rounded young men ready to leave school who are able to make a positive contribution to society and are empowered to serve others by living out the founder’s maxims.
Our Mission: Rosmini College supports and develops well-rounded young men while keeping true to the maxims of Antonio Rosmini. A holistic education in the Rosminian tradition that fosters a genuine encounter with Christ.
Our Vision: Christ-centred young men who have the values, attitudes, knowledge and skills to fulfil their life and be empowered to serve others.
Our Values: Dignity. Integrity. Fairness. Charity. Justice
Our Motto: Charity fulfils the law.
Treaty of Waitangi: Rosmini College is committed to the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi and actively supports and encourages the achievement of its Maori pupils and fosters Maori culture.
Special Character: Rosmini College is a learning community that requires each student to pursue his fullest potential in spiritual, academic, social, cultural and co-curricular pursuits. The school will equip each student with the desire to keep the Law of Christ;
“Love the Lord your God with your whole heart and your neighbour as yourself.”