"Where you find the poor, you will find Christ" - St Vincent De Paul.
Young Vinnies is the Youth Arm of the St Vincent De Paul Society who are active worldwide in support of those who are in need, regardless of colour, creed or race. It has been operating since it was reintroduced successfully into the College in 2014. It has continued to thrive and year upon year produces members and Leaders who are motivated by and continue to ensure that by their actions "Charity will fulfill the Law".
Rosmini's Young Vinnies are required to do 20 hours of service before they receive their badges. They are able to do this through the following Ministries that we have operating within the College. Once badged they must continue to be actively involved in the Ministries of their choice and consider a Leadership role if it is offered.
(1) Ministry to De Paul House, Northcote. This involves taking part in the Homework Club and working with the children of De Paul's House's residents. These typically are refugees or parents who have removed themselves and their children from dysfunctional and often violent households.
(2) Ministry to the Elderly. This often takes the form of simple visitation to those who may be on their own or else help around the house and with mobile phones or computers. Our students are also involved with Ed's Meals where the elderly or lonely gather together to share a meal in our Auditorium on Friday evenings. Our boys help with serving and involving themselves in conversation or activities that are also provided. Those who play musical instruments will also provide entertainment.
(3) Ministry to SVDP Op Shops on the North Shore, namely at Beachaven and Glenfield. Our students volunteer to do a shift on Saturdays and also avail themselves of shifts during the holidays. This Ministry is to be further extended to include helping to pack food parcels for which there has been a huge increase in demand for, because of Covid 19 and those who have been made unemployed.
(4) The "Travelling Pots" Ministry. This is where Rosmini and Carmel College's Young Vinnies gather together and cook up nutritious meals that are then packed and distributed to those in need at the City Mission or the SVDP Centre in Gundry St, Auckland Central. These are carried out once a Term and usually produce 120 - 150 meals.
(5) The Annual Food, Clothing and Blanket and Christmas Cheer Drives. These are held each year with the Food and Clothing Drive in Terms 2 & 3 to meet the increasing demands of winter and the ills and sickness it can bring. This year we have had to roll it over into Term 3 because of the increased demand due to Covid 19 and rising unemployment. The Christmas Cheer fund is to gather Christmas goodies for the residents of De Paul House and those who occupy over 30 homes now administered by The St Vincent De Paul Society in Auckland.