Rosmini College Enrolment Policy

Priority 1:
Preference students enrolled in our contributing schools:

  • St John’s, Mairangi Bay
  • St Joseph’s, Takapuna
  • St Leo’s, Devonport
  • St Mary’s, Northcote
  • Stella Maris, Silverdale

Priority 2:
Students who are the children of employees of Rosmini College.

Priority 3:
Brothers of present preference students.

Priority 4:
Brothers/sons of past preference students who are in zone.

Priority 5:
Preference students transferring from Catholic Intermediate or Secondary schools in other parts of Auckland, New Zealand or overseas who are going to be living in zone.

Priority 6:
Brothers/sons of past preference students who are not in zone.

Priority 7:
All other preference students who are in zone.

Priority 8:
All other preference students who are out of zone.

Priority 9:
Non-preference students who are in zone.


Non-preference students will only be enrolled if places remain after all preferential applicants have been enrolled.  A maximum of 5% non-preference students are allowable.

In this grouping, priority will be given in the following order:

  1. Brothers of current non-preference students
  2. Brothers/sons of past non-preference students who are in zone
  3. Other non-preference students who are in zone.



The Headmaster reserves the right to accept or decline any applicants, including those from the contributing schools.

The school will give priority to those parents who can show a clear and concrete commitment to their son’s Catholic faith development.

For the zone boundaries see map.  The boundary extends as far north as Warkworth.