Sport at Rosmini
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Sport at Rosmini College is an integral element of holistic education and helps promote a healthy and active lifestyle. We have a strong sporting culture and value performance at both the elite and participation levels, offering competitive opportunities in various codes. It is important for young men to involve themselves with physical endeavours throughout their time at school and sport offers a platform for this.

We are committed to:

  • Providing opportunities for all students to develop a healthy lifestyle through a breadth and depth of physical activities.
  • Ensuring all students participate in a holistic curriculum which embeds physical activity into their daily routine.
  • Fostering and nurturing athletes who aspire to excellence in their selected codes.
  • Developing the whole person as well as the athlete.
  • Engaging with the school's wider community through developing partnerships with external agencies, regional and national sporting bodies and other schools.

Rosmini College primarily focuses on encouraging enjoyment of sport and traditions of sportmanship and fair play. Further to this, excellence is also valued and the Rosmini College High Performance Sport programme is designed to cater for those individuals aiming to follow a pathway of competitive sport.

Are you interested in coaching?

Come and join the Rosmini sporting community!  We have a number of coaching opportunities available, in all sports at all levels. Contact us to find out more.

Director of Sport

Rhys Edwards is our Director of Sport at Rosmini College, overseeing the Sports programme across the whole college, and working to grow and foster a lifelong interest in sports participation in all students. “I aim to develop a sports programme where all boys regardless of their ability have the opportunity to excel in their own way".

As an Old Boy, Rhys is determined to maintain the important sporting traditions at the College. “Rosmini’s sporting successes have always been underpinned by its strong values. Our boys understand that taking part in sport is a privilege and not a right. It’s important to keep our expectations high of the boys when they represent the College, so that they conduct themselves in the best way possible, both on and off the field.”

Contact Rhys at [email protected]