Young Vinnies Service Awards & New Leaders for 2023
On Tuesday 1st November Savi, our liaison person from the Auckland Regional Office, presented over 60 certificates of service to our Young Vinnies for 5600 hours of service completed over the five ministries operating at Rosmini College during 2022.
Those ministries are Kids Club and Food Drives at De Paul House, Rosmini's Homework Club, Ed's Meals, Travelling Pots and the two SVDP Op Shops that operate on the Shore.
This was a remarkable feat given the fact that our Young Vinnies activities have been severely curtailed because of Covid.
Savi's words summed up this remarkable tally when she said, "Rosmini is back in business!"
On a sadder note we farewelled Matthew Lay, Benedict Chan, Aaron Fihalo and Nicholas Wilson, our Leaders for 2022, and thank them for their selfless and sterling leadership and service. You will be missed.
We welcome James Theron, Mattox Song, Niko Snell and Samuel Rea-Rankin as our Young Vinnies Leaders for 2023. They were elected by the current Leaders and this is based upon their commitment and service to others as they have moved up through the ranks.
I am sure that by their leadership and example Rosmini's Young Vinnies will continue to ensure that "Charity fulfills the Law" here at the College.
Paddy Hallissey