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Student Librarian Lunch

Student Librarian Lunch

Last week we had the opportunity to celebrate with, and thank, our Student Librarians. 

These young men are an integral part of our library team and without them the library would not run as smoothly as it does. They willingly give of their own time to make sure books are shelved, issued, returned, tidied and so much more. 

Thank you so much to our librarians for all of their time, effort and positivity.  A big thank you as well to Mrs Mc Monagle and Mrs O'Loughlin for organising the lunch.  What a team!

We say "Goodbye and thank you so much for your service in the library!" to:

Michael Bridson 13EBT
Quitos Decena 13AMS
Dominik Duszczyk 13YPP
Gabriel Manalo 13YPP

Book vouchers were awarded to the following students:

Judd Winder (Y8) for Junior Student Librarian of the Year
Quitos Decena (Y13) for Senior Student Librarian of the Year  
Joseph Wolfkamp (Y11) for outstanding service in the library since 2020.