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Young Vinnies in Action

Young Vinnies in Action

Eddie’s Meals is one of the four main ministries led by Young Vinnie’s here at Rosmini. 

This service encompasses our foundational values of dignity, integrity, and fairness. Through their actions, the students here at Rosmini demonstrate integrity, acting with honesty, sincerity, and a steadfast commitment to serving others selflessly. 

Every aspect of Eddie's Meals, from the dinner preparation to the interactions with guests, reflects a dedication to fairness, ensuring everyone has equal access and companionship, free from judgment or discrimination.

Ian Donald is a vital key in making Eddie’s Meals possible, and everyone here at the Rosmini Young Vinnies is very grateful to have him; he is a fantastic role model to everyone and displays how to live out a life as a Rosminian, fulfilling our motto “Charity fulfils the law“.

The evening of Friday 3 May was a special day for our students. After spending their afternoon volunteering at the Pompallier Shield event, they moved directly to the Pavillion to set up with Ian. Pizzas and muffins left over from Pompallier Shield were dispatched to Eddies’ Meals and enjoyed by all present.

These young men serve from the heart, and we can be so proud of them.