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Hauora classes learn mindfulness techniques

Hauora classes learn mindfulness techniques

Last week 11 Hauora classes saw trainers from Flourish Yoga in Takapuna work with the Year 11 students on how to deal with stress and anxiety through breathwork and meditation exercises.  

The boys responded very well, even though it was out of the comfort zone of many, and tried out a range of techniques and tools to help them calm down, focus and de-escalate situations.  As you can imagine, it is uncommon to have 25+ boys all lying on the floor listening to quiet music and the soothing tone of an instructor while they meditate!  

Interestingly, Abbey Lee from Flourish is currently working with the Warriors to strengthen their strategies around dealing with anxiety before and during games. Thanks Flourish Yoga for coming into our classes to help our students gain some insight into how they can react differently during tough times that might cause some stress, frustration or anxiety.

Click here for some mindfulness techniques you might like to try at home.