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Matariki celebrations at Rosmini College

Matariki celebrations at Rosmini College

Rosmini College came together to celebrate the Māori New Year on the morning of Wenerei te 26th o Pipiri and the spirit of Matariki shone ever so brightly as we began our celebrations early with a karakia mo te tau hou o Matariki from a number of our ākonga. This set the tone for us with a day of connection and reflection. 

We were overjoyed to welcome over 70 members of our kura community which was comprised of whānau (parents and siblings) as well as our own kaiako and ākonga. We shared in whakawhanaungatanga as well as a nourishing parakuihi; where relationships were strengthened. The day has become an obvious highlight for us for the year so far and we believe it represents our commitment to honouring cultural traditions and fostering community spirit. 

To follow on from this enriching start to the day, period one was dedicated to Matariki celebrations, where ākonga engaged in kōrero about the significance of Matariki and some even enjoyed further kai with their kaiako. We believe that this educational and cultural immersion provided our ākonga with a deeper understanding of Matariki's importance in our kura and Aotearoa.

As we continue to celebrate Matariki, we look forward to building on this year's success and embracing the teachings of this special taima.