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Patrick Lemeki awarded 1st place at Ringa Toi Exhibition

Patrick Lemeki awarded 1st place at Ringa Toi Exhibition

Rosmini College is proud to share the news that Patrick Lemeki (Y11) has been award 1st place in the Kaupapa Pasifika category at the NZQA Ringa Toi Exhibition, held at Te Papa Tongarewa in Wellington.

Ringa Toi is an annual exhibition that showcases the artwork of secondary school students with a focus on Toi Māori and Pacific Arts at Excellence level. Over 150 toi Māori and Pasifika artworks by 123 ākonga from 45 secondary schools and kura are on display.

Michael Tuffrey, a Pasifika artist who judged the Pasifika Category, said he stood in front of Patrick’s art for about 30 minutes in awe of the art and the powerful message behind it.

Congratulations Patrick - we can't wait to see where your talents take you in the future. 

Title of work: Power to the people.

Medium: Acrylic and Oil Paints

Artist Brief: "My work is deeply rooted in my Tongan heritage and the powerful legacy of the Polynesian Panthers. Inspired by the techniques of artists like Mr G. (Graham Hoete) and Shepard Fairey, I envisioned this piece as a mural that could visually communicate identity and culture, forging connections between people and place. Through portraiture and mark-making, I sought to bring my vision to life in a way that reflects my experiences as a young Tongan male growing up on the North Shore of Auckland City. The theme of social justice is an integral part to my school, and with this artwork, I wanted to express a perspective that is both intensely personal and universally relevant, addressing the challenges faced by my community."